Sound Playground Interactive Performance
Friday 2nd June 21.30-23.00
GAIA DOME -Healing Fields

What is Sound Playground?
If conciousness is a source of creation then my own physical body can become a perfect instrument for exploring the nature of creative process. This will be a musical performance and exploration into the power of using a body as a musical instrument, rythmical and vocal patterns, playful soun, silence and free improvisation. Especially when we're talking about music. During this adventure we will touch 4 practical aspects: Rythm Feeling the rythm is the feeling of time. We can express it with handclapping, stomping, tapping, fingerclicking, rubbing hands, beatboxing, breathing, humming etc. And we don't need any additional tools to make it happen. Harmony In music it is the process by which individual sounds are joined or composed into whole compositions. Here we will experience building simple accompaniments to support the solist. Melody Soloing is the storytelling without any word. Just the unique combination of sounds and silence. Let the melody of one's voice tell the story of how it feels. Flow Bobby McFerrin says that the first rule of improvisation is to have the courage to open your mouth and sing and keep going. Lets see what may happen if we allow ourselves to be intuitive and free.
Your Facilitator
Kolo is a magnificent self-taught multi-instrumentalist and non-formal musical educator from Odessa, Ukraine.
He started musicking in 2011 with piano and drum kit. Playing alone at home for 7 hours a day and regular performing with other musicians turned his life into a sound&silence journey. Later Kolo discovered world percussion, guitar, indian flute, didgeridoo and many other sounding things including authentic vocal tecniques and body percussion.
One day a hobby beacame an obsession.
Live concerts and festivals, jamming sesions, drumming classes, voice circles, soundhealing ceremonies and other related activities filled his life
with the joy of sonic presence.
Handpan appeared in Kolo's life in 2019. And it was a year when he started travelling around the world and playing improvised music almost everywhere.
At the end of 2022 Kolo visited Malta for the first time and fell in love with this magical islands, especially with Gozo where he's currently living, practicing music and sharing knowledge&inspiration.