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She Rises: Women Empowerment Circle

Saturday 3rd of June 13.30-14.30

PLAYPEN -Healing Fields





“Each of us that is committed to our own healing becomes a lighthouse for those that are lost in stormy seas, just by virtue of being who we are." Anthony Abbagnano


The moment in which you decide to step up and show up as the best version of yourself, it's like flipping the switch in a dark room. Suddenly that dark room is filled with light.


The light will shine no matter how long it has been dark.


So let's flip on the light.


This is an invitation to explore life, try new experiences, seek new paths and new possibilities.


We will sow the seeds of new intentions and you will leave the session with an inspired vision of a better future, filled with vitality and determination.




Path to Freedom with SOMA Breath


“No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly. When we know this, we become free.” Buddha


We find happiness when we have the freedom to be who we really are.


Do you sacrifice your individuality in order to fit in, trying to be all things to all people? It is time to embrace your uniqueness, free yourself from what is stagnant or obsolete and let your essence shine and be seen.


In this session we will take the opportunity to step into a deeper sense of self-reliance and cultivate a deep desire to be ourselves unapologetically.


At the end of the session you will feel inspired to live a life based on your true authenticity, ready to take the freedom path to move you to the next level.

Your Facilitator 


Pavla is originally from the Czech Republic but has been living in Malta for the past 25+ years with her Maltese husband, two children and a cat. She is a health coach, My Heroic Wellness founder and first Wim Hof Method instructor in Malta with the focus on intentional inner work. She is trained in Integrative Nutrition, Holistic health coaching, Reiki, Energy healing, Advanced Stress Management and Breathwork (WHM, SOMA). She loves sharing health & lifestyle advice, recipes, biohacking tips, meditation and breathwork.

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