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Permaculture Workshops

Some of our workshops include:



Permaculture is a philosophy in which we can live as human beings in harmony with nature. We can design our lands and life to create a direct symbiosis with our environment. 


This is a playful introduction to Permaculture and its relevance in today’s world. A theoretical session to introduce this vast subject, where we will delve into the ethics and principles of Permaculture. Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centred around simulating or directly utilising the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems.



Compost is the new black gold, it is one of our modern day resources that can be in high abundance if we just support it to happen. As an individual, being responsible for the waste we produce and creating this valuable commodity can have a huge ripple effect on the world. 


In this interactive and informative workshop, we invite you to re - consider looking at waste with a different mind set and shed light on this substance as an extremely valuable resource to our survival as human beings! Can also be hands on depending on the venue and client needs.


Grow Your Own Food

Have you ever wished you could grow your own food and herbs but felt limited because you lived in an apartment with no garden space?


This workshop is for anyone willing to explore growing food in pots and in urban environments, such as balconies, rooftops and yards. The workshop includes theory exploring permaculture and urban gardening, followed by hands on gardening practices, depending on the location of the workshop.


We will cover some of the philosophy of Permaculture, living in harmony with nature. We will also  touch some topics such as composting, maintaining healthy and fertile soil, organic fertilisation methods, micro-nutrients, companion planting, mulching and pest management.


Urban Gardening

Exploring permaculture and urban gardening while supporting harmony between humans and nature.  

(We recommend the four workshops however this can also be shortened to a two hour session if necessary)


Workshop 1: Introduction to Permaculture 

During this lecture-based interactive session, we will cover the philosophy of Permaculture, how we can live in harmony with nature as human beings. This session will cover the Permaculture Principles and Ethics.  


Workshop 2: How to design a Permaculture Garden

Here we will cover the basic considerations in designing your own Permaculture Garden for growing organic vegetables in a small garden or urban environment, covering the main concepts of design. We will also discuss what materials regarded as waste can be used to support your garden and the soil. 


Workshop 3: Designing a Permaculture Garden

Other considerations: composting,  maintaining healthy and fertile soil, organic fertilisation methods, micro-nutrients, soil testing, spacing and thinning, companion planting, mulching, pest & fungal management, pruning. This is a fun group exercise for the participants to practice garden design.


Workshop 4: Implementing a Permaculture Garden

This is a 100% hands-on workshop, where we will implement a Permaculture Garden by applying the knowledge gained through the course; planting endemic trees, shrubs, herbs and vegetables. 


Permaculture Design 

Permaculture is an endless subject and a great understanding of it is needed to be able to create and make a design that will be able to operate.


Permaculture designs must be based on a particular area from where they will be operated.  Factors to consider are the climate of the place, culture, ecology, the economy, and also the arrangements and needs of the human presence in that area.  Human presence must also observe and try to learn from nature so a support system can nicely flow between natural earth systems and human beings.


In simple terms it means that a carefully planned permaculture design will be able to source many of the demands for communities and families in an efficient and sustainable manner. 


Some keys and tools to consider when building up a permaculture design system: 

  • Attentive observation.  If the area is not well observed, various mistakes in the design can happen.

  • Take it step by step.  This saves energy, time and expenses.

  • All design keys must have multiple roles.  Mother Earth performs many roles and services to community so it must not be limited to one role.

  • Maximise and increase variety. Be patient in experimenting with various diverse elements. 

  • Reserve energy and cycle through the system.  A good design manages to seek as much energy as possible.

  • Use local resources. Reuse as much material as you can to produce fertilisers.

  • No waste.  Reuse organic material for the soil, plants, animals and humans. 

  • Rule of giving back.  Whatever we use and take, we must give back.

  • Finding solution in problems. Within a problem lies an opportunity.

The more we work in harmony with nature, the easier it becomes to have empowered systems.


Earthships - Freedom Under One Roof

Imagine waking up everyday and not paying any utility bills. Imagine living in a home that provides all your needs: shelter, water, electricity, sewage treatment, heating/cooling and food!


Earthships are ‘Radically Sustainable Buildings’, the epitome of sustainable design and construction. This way of sustainable living supports nature rather than take from it. Using simple systems, these structures are carbon negative and built using recycled materials. What more could life offer if you were free to pursue what excites you? 


Deep Ecology

This workshop is quite unique and tackles the helplessness we feel when observing the world around us and the realities that are painful to accept. This is for anyone who yearns for a way to connect with themselves or the planet. 


During this workshop we explore Deep Ecology, which is a holistic approach to facing world problems that bring together thinking, feeling, spirituality and action. It involves moving beyond the individualism of Western culture towards also seeing ourselves as part of the earth. This leads to a deeper connection with life, where Ecology is not just seen as something 'out there', but something we are part of and have a role to play in.


Trying to Save The World

So many of us are called to find purpose in supporting a "better" world! We feel disappointed with the state of the World and wish it to be different. We wish that there's more care for the environment, more peace in humanity, less poverty; among so many other things. It's easy to point fingers and blame, feeling resentful towards those leading and in power. While there are still things going on in the World that upset, horrify, confuse and anger us... it's not our cue to numb ourselves or even rant. It's our cue though to go higher. The World will know Peace when our collective vibration demands it.


This workshop focuses on taking a different perspective on "trying" to save the world, where we can empower each other to step into this time of union and act from a natural flow of expression rather from a forceful space of resistance.



This is a holistic approach facing the reality of dwindling bee populations; we bring together thinking, feeling, spirituality and positive action. Through knowledge and understanding of the issues facing the Bees, we move beyond the individualism and separation of Western culture towards realising our part and connection to this earth and each other. This leads to a deeper connection with life, where Ecology is not just seen as something 'out there', but something we are part of and have a role to play in. We will explore the interconnectedness between the pollinator insects, ourselves and planet earth, then together connect to how we can move forward together. This work on deep ecology is inspired by the teachings of Joanna Macy.



How to use permaculture design and methodology to benefit us on a personal level and allow us to thrive on this planet. Applying permaculture to the way we live our lives can attract abundance, improve our relationships and change the world around us.


This workshop is drawn from the work of Looby Macnamara. We will explain the topic of social permaculture, how it is a lifestyle and a holistic approach to life. Interactive games and exercises will be used to understand the basics in this topic and how it can be applied to our life as a way to manifest the things we want to create or situations we want to change.


Zone 00

We all feel the call to co-create a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible. Saving the planet starts with self-love. Self-care is vital on our pathway for a positive future for all. We often put a lot of energy in trying to change externals in the world, it may feel selfish to focus on ourselves, but if we don’t do it, who will? We often burn out ignoring signs from our body; giving to others and not to ourselves is not sustainable. 


This workshop will focus on how to build personal sustainability into our lives. Using principles of social permaculture, sustaining zone zero (the self) is the first step to co-creating this new way of being. We will touch on techniques that can nourish our mind, body and soul. Touching on the work of Charles Eisenstein and Looby Macnamara, we will share how focusing on self-love is the main priority that can actually allow mass change in the world. Whiteboard Required




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A set of techniques and principles for designing sustainable human settlements.

— Toby Hemenway


The Regeneration of people and place.

— Penny Livingston-Stark


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